Dirty Dog? Make a visit to our dog wash!
No problem! We now have our very own dog wash. Leave the mess here! We provide shampoo, towels, and an apron. We also have a blower to help dry your dog and blow out that annoying undercoat. This is a separate room that features a walk up tub to make back-breaking washing a thing of the past! All this for an affordable fee of $10 a dog. You can also become a member of our “Scrub-a-dub-dub club” where you can get 12 baths over the course of a year for only $100. See one of our client services representatives for more details.

$100 Scrub-a-Dub Club
See a client relations specialist for details on purchasing a Scrub-a-Dub Club membership
This is a punch card that allows your dog 12 free bathes. The bath must be performed by the owner, while using our bathing room. In order to get your free bath, you must have your punch card with you at the time of use. Otherwise you will be charged the normal fee of $10 per bath.
Nothing beats a clean doggie!